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Emergency Resources

Emergency Preparedness

Navy Family Accountability & Assessment System (NFAAS) - is an event-based system used by the Navy following a disaster, or other "event," to help the Navy determine how and where Navy Family Members are. NFAAS allows you to report your current location, update emergency personal contact information and request assistance (especially if you had to evacuate far away from your home or place of work).

Ready Navy - Ready Navy is an emergency preparedness program created for you, the Navy community, to increase the ability of every person and family on or near Navy installations to meet today's challenges head on and plan and prepare for all types of hazards, ranging from hurricanes and earthquakes to terrorist attacks.

Military OneSource - Disaster Resources - Following the declaration of a crisis or disaster situation, we will provide current information and access to services and resources to assist in preparation or recovery. Visit the resources, tools and articles to learn how to prepare and recover from any crisis or disaster situation.

Washington Military Department Emergency Management Division - Emergency alerts, preparedness information, and disaster assistance resources.

Washington State Department of Health - Emergency Preparedness Fact Sheets - an A-Z listing of emergency preparedness downloadable fact sheets. Fact sheets are available in multiple languages.

Naval Services FamilyLine - Family Preparedness - This handbook provides vital information to ensure families are prepared as their own "first responders". Included in the handbook is valuable information on creating a Family Emergency Plan, completing Emergency Contact cards, compiling an Emergency Supplies Kit and actions to take immediately following a disaster.

Emergency Aid

Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society - a private, non-profit, volunteer service organization that provides financial, educational and other assistance to Navy and Marine Corps service members, their eligible family members, and survivors when in need.

American Red Cross - The American Red Cross' unwavering commitment to members of the U.S. military, its veterans and their families continues to grow and develop. Today, the Red Cross is meeting the needs of a changing military and expanding services to veterans. Red Cross support of military members and their families enhances morale and contributes to increased operational capability.

American Red Cross Northwest Region - Find your local American Red Cross chapter.

Operation Homefront - provides emergency financial and other assistance to the families of our service members and wounded warriors.


Resources for yourself or someone in need


Find support and understanding through the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Call now or visit for more info.

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