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Public/Private Venture (PPV) provides preferential housing for Qualified Military Families. Consult your local Housing Service Center for specific information on PPV referrals.

Qualified Military Family

A Qualified Military Family is an active duty member of the Uniformed Services, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Public Health Services, and Active Guard Reserve (AGR), with accompanying dependents. Accompanying dependents are considered those dependents that will live with you for 6 consecutive months (or more) each year.

Unaccompanied Service Members

When there is no active Qualified Military Family to refer, unaccompanied active-duty military members are authorized to live in PPV housing. Whether a member opts for a same-gender roommate or chooses to reside alone, rent is based upon the senior member's Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) at the "with dependent" rate.


Rent for PPV housing is equal to BAH at the "with dependent" rate. The monthly rent includes utilities (water and sewage) and trash pickup. In some cases, electricity is included unless the RECP program is in place.

Dual Military: When both spouses are members of the Uniformed Services with or without other family members, rent is based upon the senior member's BAH at the "with dependent" rate.

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