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Command Support Programs

Whether your command needs support during a crisis, training for command leadership or a Fleet & Family Support Representative specifically assigned to serve the needs of your command, Fleet & Family Support Centers stand ready to support you with the following:

  • Deployment and Mobilization Support
  • Crisis Intervention/Disaster Preparedness
  • Leadership Training
  • Command Financial Specialist Training
  • Ombudsman, Command Support Team, and FRG Training
  • INDOC and Sponsorship Training
  • Exceptional Family Member (EFM) Program Training
  • Family Advocacy Program Training
  • Domestic Violence Executive Leadership Training
  • Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR) Program
  • Sponsorship Training
  • Individual Augmentee Training
  • Command Representative Program

Contact Fleet & Family Support at 866-854-0638 or
For general information and support: or

Deployment & Mobilization Support

Deployments are a way of life for military service members and their families. Whether single or married, there are effective ways of meeting the challenges of this unique lifestyle and helping you to achieve a continuous level of personal and family readiness.

Fleet & Family Support works closely with commands, their Ombudsmen, Family Readiness Groups, individuals, and families to provide resources and assistance during all cycles of the deployment process.

Services include:

  • Training and education programs emphasizing key elements of personal/family readiness
  • Individual, family, and command consultation
  • Return and Reunion Outreach programs to deployed commands and spouses
  • Combat Stress Awareness
  • Customized programs for Individual Augmentees (IAs) and their families

Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS)

All Sailors are required to update their contact information twice a year (in April and October) using the Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS). The below videos provide a guideline for using NFAAS. This is in accordance with NAVADMIN 275-11.

Pre-Deployment Services

Fleet & Family Support Centers play a fundamental role in preparing service members and their families for deployment. Pre-deployment information is presented around five core elements that service members and their families should establish or review and update as they prepare for deployment: documents and databases, finances, communication, relationships, and resources. Let our staff assist your command in having a seamless deployment.

Mid-Deployment & Family Readiness Group (FRG) Support

Fleet & Family Support provides a wide range of support services for mid-deployment and Family Readiness Group (FRG) support.

Homecoming Support

Homecoming can be a challenging time for service members and their families. Homecoming is more than the event with the excitement, preparation, and happiness of homecoming day--it is also a process of reintegrating back into the family and homeport. Changes occur during a lengthy deployment within the service member, family members, and the community. While it is true that most often “absence makes the heart grow fonder,” homecoming can also emphasize problems in a relationship, so resource information for assistance is a key component of homecoming programs. Fleet & Family Support offers many programs that are ideal for homecoming situations: New Parent Support, Car Buying, and Counseling Services, and more.

Command Training

Fleet & Family Support provides training and support to assist commands in a variety of programs. A “ready” Sailor and family are proactively prepared for mobilizations, deployments, and prolonged separations through a network of support systems and communication channels that link the command, Family, and Navy Member, forming a resilient, well-informed unit adaptable to the Navy operating environment and capable of navigating through and utilizing the many support services available.

All of the following Command Trainings are available through FFSC:

Command Financial Specialist (CFS) Training

During Command Financial Specialist Training, your members (E6+ or E5 with a waiver) are trained with basic financial management skills and the understanding necessary to implement education, training and counseling at their command. Functions of a Command Financial Specialist (CFS) include assisting the command in establishing, organizing, and administering the Command Personal Financial Management (PFM) program; disseminating financial management information within the command; maintaining current PFM resources and contact with Fleet & Family Support PFMs; providing basic counseling to command members as requested; maintaining records of training, counseling, and referrals; and ensuring the confidentiality of counseling records.

Commands must have one CFS for 25 or more personnel, and one for every additional 75 personnel. Command Financial Specialists must be E6 (E5 with a waiver) and above with at least one year remaining at their command. This is in accordance with OPNAV 1740.5B.

Ombudsman Training

Fleet & Family Support regularly offers Ombudsman Basic Training (OBT); both day and evening classes are available. During this 16.5-hour course, attendees learn more about the Ombudsman program and focus on these specific areas: Ombudsman responsibilities, relationships, ethics, communication skills, information and referrals, crisis calls and disasters, and deployments and mobilization. Ombudsman must complete Ombudsman Basic Training (OBT) and be appointed, in writing, by the Commanding Officer. Each command is responsible for designating a minimum of one Ombudsman. Ombudsmen are official Command Representatives. This is in accordance with OPNAV 1750.1G.

Family Readiness Group (FRG) Training

The purpose of a Family Readiness Group (FRG) is to help plan, coordinate, and conduct informational, morale-building, and social activities to enhance family preparedness and command mission readiness. Family Readiness Groups are private organizations closely affiliated with the command, comprised of personnel associated with the command, who support the command and families. Fleet & Family Support offers workshops on establishing an FRG and board leadership, including: attracting and motivating FRG members; fundraising policies; event planning; and emergency response. The Commanding Officer shall designate an official command liaison to the FRG. This is in accordance with OPNAV 1754.5B.

INDOC & Sponsor Program

Fleet & Family Support Work & Family Life Consultants provide sponsorship training regularly and upon request and indoctrination support upon request. Each command must establish a Command Sponsor Program and an Indoctrination Program. Having properly trained sponsors benefits the incoming service member, as well as the command, by providing the service member with the tools and resources to successfully integrate at their new duty station or command. OPNAV 1740.3C states “Command Sponsor and Indoctrination Programs are designed to facilitate the adaptation of Sailors and their families into new working and living environments, to minimize the anxiety associated with a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) move and afford Sailors and their families the greatest opportunity for a successful and productive tour of duty.”

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)

Fleet & Family Support has Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) liaisons available to assist service members and their families with all of their EFMP needs. Each command must have a Point of Contact for the EFM Program. The Fleet & Family Support EFMP Liaison conducts the mandatory POC Training. Per OPNAV 1754.2D, this must be a “designated individual at each command who has general knowledge of the EFMP and can assist the member in obtaining further assistance. Enrollment in the EFMP is mandatory for all family members identified with medical (physical, mental, or emotional) or special educational requirements of a chronic nature (6 months or longer).” Enrollment in the EFMP benefits service members and their families by ensuring they have the proper care and resources to succeed.

Family Advocacy Program

Each command must designate an appropriate officer or senior enlisted member to serve as the Command Family Advocacy Representative (CFAR) and voting member at the Incident Determination Committee (IDC). This representative will also ensure that all Navy Sailors receive awareness and prevention training. Fleet & Family Support will assist each CFAR in understanding their duties in this position, as well as provide the mandatory training needed for the IDC.

Domestic Violence Executive Leadership Training for Family Advocacy Program

Commanding Officers, Executive Officers, Command Master Chiefs, and Chiefs of the Boat are required to attend the Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Executive Leadership Training within 90 days of arrival to a new unit. The Executive Leadership Training provides an overview of the Family Advocacy Program and Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Program and the involvement of NCIS, Regional Legal Service Office (RLSO), and Victim's Legal Counsels in domestic violence and sexual assault cases. The training will give command leadership the tools needed to keep victims safe and hold offenders accountable for their actions.

Please contact the Fleet & Family Support Center at 1-866-854-0638 to reserve your spot.

Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR) Command Training

Fleet & Family Support SAPR staff coordinate and provide training for Command SAPR Teams. Each command will designate a SAPR Team comprised of a SAPR Point of Contact, Data Collection Coordinator, Command Liaison, and Victim Advocates.

Family Care Plan

Fleet & Family Support consultants can assist service members in the preparation of individual family care plans. Commands will ensure that all members of their command who are required to complete a Family Care Plan (those members with primary or shared physical custody of a minor child or children; dual military couples; or service members who are legally responsible for an adult family member who is incapable of providing for themselves; and other identified members) do so per OPNAV 1740.4D.

Transition Assistance Program

Fleet & Family Support staff facilitate the mandatory Transition Assistance Program workshops for transitioning service members. Staff is also available for follow-on individual assistance. Each command will designate a Command Transition Officer who is responsible for ensuring that all separating/retiring personnel receive an initial assessment and attend Transition Assistance Program workshops and bring the appropriate paperwork with them. The Command Transition Officer will also ensure that separating/retiring personnel attend a Capstone Event.

Individual Augmentee (IA) & Returning Warrior Support

Fleet & Family Support Individual Deployment Support Specialists (IDSS) provide resources and education to assist Command Individual Augmentee Coordinators (CIACs), individual augmentees, and their families. Each command is responsible for designating a CIAC. The CIACs are responsible for coordinating and tracking support activities, making contact with Fleet & Family Support POC, oversee all aspects of personal and family readiness support and programs for IA Sailors and their families throughout the entire deployment cycle.

Command Representatives

Fleet & Family Support Centers support each command with Fleet & Family Support command representatives assigned to each command. The purpose of the Command Representative Program is to provide information and be a liaison between Fleet & Family Support and the command on available Fleet & Family Support educational programs and customizable services that meet the needs of the command. They assist deploying commands in preparing crew and families for pre-deployment, deployment, and post-deployment transitions and serve as a primary point of contact for the command.

Contact Fleet & Family Support at 866-854-0638 or
For general information and support: or


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