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What is the Transition Assistance Program?

Navy leadership is committed to meaningful and effective transition assistance for all Sailors separating from the Navy, regardless of how long they have served. The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) ensures service members and their families are well prepared for civilian life and provides extensive tools, education and support needed for a successful transition from military service to the civilian community.  Transition services are designed to make the move to civilian life smooth and successful. For more information, visit the CNIC TAP website. 

Active duty, must sign up through your Command Career Counselor. For questions, contact your local Fleet & Family Support Center or call 1-866-854-0638.

What is TAP?

The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) prepares eligible Service members and their families to face the many challenges of transitioning from active duty to civilian life. TAP enables Service members to fulfill the requirements of the Veterans Opportunity to Work (VOW) to Hire Heroes Act of 2012 and meet their Career Readiness Standards (CRS) as mandated by the TAP for Military Personnel Department of Defense Instruction 1332.35. 

Five Key Components of TAP

Mandatory Initial Counseling/Self-Assessment  Complete 365 days or more prior to release from active duty.
  - Assignment to at least one of three pathways: Tier I, Tier II or Tier III 
  - Note: The Tier assignment mandates the required Career Readiness Standards (CRS) a service member will be required to complete.

Mandatory Pre-Separation Counseling – Complete at least 365 days or more prior to release from active duty. Pre-Separation Counseling is conducted on Day 1 of the 3 Day TAP Class.

Mandatory TAP Core Curriculum 

  - Attendance at DoD Transition Day, which includes Pre-sep Counseling, My Transition, Military Occupation Code Crosswalk, and Financial Planning for Transition.
  - Veterans Administration Benefits and Services brief 
  - Department of Labor (DoL) one-day Employment Fundamentals Workshop

Your Command Career Counselor must register you for TAP Classs. What to Bring

Selection of Two-Day Career Track – 

Mandatory CAPSTONE Event
  - Presented by the Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) or via one-on-one session with your command career counselor.
  - Must  be completed no later than 90 days prior to separation to verify you have met CRS and received the transition services requested.

Mandatory Career Readiness Standards – Applicable to all civilian career paths 
  - Self-Assessment / Individual Transition Plan 
  - Post-transition Financial Plan 
  - Registration
  - Continuum of Military Service brief (Active Duty only) 
  - MOC Crosswalk/Gap analysis or verification of employment
  - *Completed resume or provide verification of employment 
  - *Comparison of Technical Institutions
  - *Comparison of Colleges / Universities
*Based on selected track.


Attendance at the Transition class is mandated so personnel must not stand command duty and appointments must not be scheduled during class. Active duty service members must sign up through their Command Career Counselors. Spouses are welcome to accompany their service member to the course if space is available. Note: spouse may attend without the service member.

Attire will be appropriate business casual civilian attire or the uniform of the day. Grooming standards apply and are enforced.

Executive TAP

Executive Transition Assistance Program provides separating and retiring service members (E9, W4/W5, O5, O6) and their families with the skills, tools, and self-confidence necessary to successfully re-enter the civilian work force. Please check with our Centralized Scheduling Center at 1-866-854-0638 for upcoming Executive TAP Class.

For more questions or more information, contact your Fleet and Family Support Center at 1-866-854-0638.

TAP Career Tracks

Sailors assigned to Tier I and II may be waived from participating by their command. Tier III assigned personnel must select at least one of the following tracks:
Department of Labor (DOL) Employment Track – DOLEW Covers emerging best practices in career employment, including in-depth training to learn interviewing skills, build effective resumes, and use emerging technology to network and search for employment.
  - DoD Education Track – Assists Service members in identifying the higher education requirements that support their personal goals. This two-day workshop is divided into the following topic areas: learning the basics, choosing a field of study, selecting an institution, gaining admission, and finding higher education. This workshop is beneficial for both service members attending college for the first time and those applying to graduate school programs. Throughout the workshop, participants conduct research as each topic is presented,  and complete a comparison of at least two institutions of higher education.
  - Career & Credential Exploration Track – Formerly Career Exploration and Planning Track, this track offers a unique opportunity for participants to complete a personalized career development assessment of occupational interest and ability.  This industry-standard assessment presents participants with a variety of tailored job recommendations (some of which are classified as high demand or high growth occupations) that align with their interests and aptitudes. Participants are also guided through a variety of career considerations, including labor market projections, education, apprenticeships, certifications and licensure requirements.
  - SBA Entrepreneur Track – Educates service members pursuing self-employment in the private or non-profit sectors. Participants receive information on the benefits and challenges of entrepreneurship and the steps required to successfully launch a small business. After completing the Entrepreneur track, participants can take advantage of the follow-on training, counseling, and mentorship opportunities designed to assist with business planning, market research, access to capital, and all other aspect and stages of small business ownership.

Your Command Career Counselor must register you for the 2-day workshop. What to Bring


  - Presented by the Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) or via one-on-one session with your command career counselor.
  - Must be completed no later than 90 days prior to separation to verify you have met CRS and received the transition services requested.

Your Command Career Counselor must register you for the CAPSTONE event. What to Bring

Your Transition Countdown

24-12 months prior to the End of Active Obligated Service (EAOS), resignation, or retirement
  » Complete self-assessment and attend initial counseling (greater than 365 days out) and be
  » Assigned a tier level with assistance from your command career counselor. 
  » Attend pre-separation counseling (greater than 365 days out) and initialize DD-form 2648 with assistance from your transition counselor.
  » Attend TAP class with a copy of the following documents:
     • Copy of your verification of military experience and training (vmet) from milconnect
     • Most recent LES from MyPay
     • Copy of your most recent credit report 

12-6 months prior to EAOS
  » Apply for a selected reserve quota via c-way (if applicable, see your ccc)
  » Review your personnel and medical records for accuracy and maintain a personal copy
  » Research and compare Veterans’ Group Life Insurance (VGLI) to other insurances at VGLI website.

180-30 days prior to EAOS
  » Schedule and complete your separation/retirement physical
  » Participate in a Capstone event at FFSC at least 90 days prior to separation
  » Connect with the student veteran organization at your chosen institution, if applicable
  » Connect with your local VA representative
  » Review your DD214 worksheet for accuracy and completeness
  » Start assembling a wardrobe suitable for your next job
  » Submit resume to prospective employers. Submit job application for 2 (or more) civilian jobs

Skillbridge Program

NAVADMIN 222_15: The DoD Skillbridge initiative connects civilian businesses and other companies with available training or internship opportunities that offer a high probability of employment with sailors who are separating; these services are provided at little or no cost to the Sailor. Those who meet certain qualifications, with command approval, can participate in civilian job and employment skills training, including apprenticeships and internships, up to six months prior to separation.

If you are interested in the Skillbridge program, please contact your local Fleet & Family Support Center at 1-866-854-0638 to help you navigate the process.

Your participant package should consist of:

  • Participant Package Checklist - PDF or Word
  • Skillbridge Application - PDF or Word


NRNW Skillbridge Programs:

  • Onward to Opportunity - Flyer & MOU
  • Aviation Maintenance Technology Military Master Class (Everett Community College) - FlyerMOU & FAQs
  • JBLM Career Skills Programs - Menu of Options


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