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Child Care Registration & Wait List

Navy Region Northwest Child & Youth Programs (CYP) offers developmental child care for eligible children, 6 weeks to 12 years of age, and has many options available from center-based and home care to school-age care.

  • Child Development Centers (CDC) - Ages 6 weeks - 5 years
  • Child Development Homes (CDH) - Ages 6 weeks - 12 years
  • School-Age Care (SAC) - Ages 6 years - 12 years
  • Hourly Child Care - Ages 6 weeks - 12 years (MCC) is a Department of Defense website for military families seeking child care. This single online gateway provides access to comprehensive information on military-operated and military-subsidized child care options worldwide. It enables families to search for and request care, manage their requests, and update their profile online, making it easier for families to find the child care they need. MCC supports requests for full time and part time care. Programs will continue to manage requests for hourly care outside of MCC until this functionality becomes available in the system.

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How to Get Started

What do families need to do?

Create an account at This will allow parents to take full advantage of the available benefits.

Do I need to create an account to search for care?

No. You can search for and view information about programs without creating an account. However you will not be able to request care.

What can I do to get the care I need when I need it?

To get the care you need, begin your search and submit your requests as soon as possible. When searching for care, review the Anticipated Placement Time (APT) estimates and submit requests for care at programs with an APT that most closely meets your family's needs. Since APT estimates may change, review all your options and submit requests to both facility- and home-based programs. For example, there may be another child development center or in-home provider (Family Child Care/Child Development Home) with a shorter placement time. You are also encouraged to submit multiple requests for the same child on the same Request for Care (RFC) date. Use the map feature to determine if program locations are within your preferred geographic area.

If my child is not born or yet to be adopted, what are my next steps?

When creating your account, enter the projected date of birth or adoption. After the birth or adoption, return to your household profile to update the actual date of birth and/or child's name.

Child Care Eligibility

Eligibility for child care is based on the status of the custodial sponsor. Eligible patrons include active duty military personnel, DoD civilian employees, Reserve Component military personnel on active duty or inactive duty training status, combat-related wounded warriors, surviving spouses of Military members who died from a combat-related incident, those acting in loco parentis for the dependent child of an otherwise eligible patron, eligible employees of DoD contractors, and others authorized on a space available basis. When creating an account, you are required to acknowledge that you are eligible for DoD child care services. Eligibility will be verified after an offer is accepted and prior to officially enrolling your child in the program. The eligibility verification process and required documentation vary by installation.

Eligibility & Priority System Policy →
Policy Clarification for Priority 1 Access to DoD Child Development Programs →

Child Care Fees for 2024

Fees for our programs are determined by DODINST 6060 and are based on Total Family Income (TFI). Fees may be paid monthly or on military paydays.

A 20% discount is available for additional children in the same family.

There is no cost for our Youth & Teen Program.

Total Family Income (TFI)

Total Family Income (TFI) is defined as all earned income including wages, salaries, tips, long-term disability benefits, voluntary salary deferrals, quarters allowances, and subsistence received by any adults, married or not, residing together as one economic unit and sharing living expenses toward the benefit of the children in residence.

Category Total Annual Family Income (TFI)
I                                      $1–$45,000
II $45,001-$55,000
III $55,001-$65,000
IV $65,001-$77,500
V $77,501-$90,000
VI $90,001-$102,500
VII $102,501-$115,000
VIII $115,001-$130,000
IX $130,001-$145,000
X $145,001-$160,000
XI $160,001+
CONSA Regargless of TFI

* All DoD contractors and specified space available patrons will pay the unsubsidized Category IXA contractor child care fee; therefore, TFI will not be required. Specified space available patrons include military retirees and other federal employees in all categories.

TFI does not include cost of living allowance (COLA) received in high cost areas, alimony or child support, temporary duty allowances or reimbursement for education expenses, veteran's benefits, worker's compensation benefits, or unemployment compensation (insurance).

DD Form 2652 must be used in determining TFI. All earned income, as well as minimum BAH and BAS will be added to determine TFI. Income will be verified from the military sponsor's most recent leave and earning statement and/or pay stub, earning statement or W-2 for military spouses or non-military personnel.

In case of divorced or legally separated parents, the sponsor must have custody of the child and the child must reside with the sponsor. Income of the sponsor's household must be provided.

Fees are reviewed annually. At the time of the fee review, each parent is required to sign an agreement which states that the fees will be in effect through the contracted year.

All information provided will be kept confidential.

Child Development Centers

(Fee Paid on the 1st & 15th)

Category 1st Child Each Additional Child
I $121 $97
II $137 $110
III $167 $134
IV $197 $158
V $234 $187
VI $273 $218
VII $310 $248
VIII $349 $279
IX $394 $315
X $440 $352
XI $485 $388
CONSA $737 N/A

Family Child Care

Category Full Time Weekly Fee
1st Child Each Additional Child
I $121 $97
II $137 $110
III $167 $134
IV $197 $158
V $234 $187
VI $273 $218
VII $310 $248
VIII $349 $279
IX $394 $315
X $440 $352
XI $485 $388

*Contractors and Specified Space Available patrons will enter into private pay agreements with the provider regarding fees.

School-Age Care

(Fee Paid on 1st & 15th)

Category Before School
1st Child Each Additional Child
I $29 $23
II $33 $26
III $40 $32
IV $47 $38
V $56 $45
VI $66 $53
VII $74 $59
VIII $84 $67
IX $95 $76
X $106 $85
XI $116 $93
CONSA $177 N/A


Category After School
1st Child Each Additional Child
I $53 $42
II $60 $48
III $73 $58
IV $87 $70
V $103 $82
VI $120 $96
VII $136 $109
VIII $153 $122
IX $174 $139
X $194 $155
XI $214 $171
CONSA $324 N/A


Category Before & After School
1st Child Each Additional Child
I $82 $65
II $93 $74
III $113 $90
IV $134 $108
V $159 $127
VI $186 $149
VII $210 $168
VIII $237 $189
IX $269 $215
X $300 $240
XI $330 $264
CONSA $501 N/A

Note: School-Age Care 1st & 15th rates are based on the number of hours of care offered per week and include camps during the school year.

School-Age Summer Camps

(Weekly Rates)

Category 1st Child Each Additional Child
I $56 $45
II $63 $50
III $77 $62
IV $91 $73
V $108 $86
VI $126 $101
VII $143 $114
VIII $161 $129
IX $182 $146
X $203 $162
XI $224 $179
CONSA $340 N/A

Hourly Child Care

Category Hourly Fee
All Categories $8 per hour/per child


Youth & Teen Program

Category Annual Fee
All Categories FREE

Child & Youth Program Frequently Asked Questions


Additional Frequently Asked Questions →

Can I stay on other waitlists after I receive an offer?

You can enroll in one program and keep additional requests for care active at other programs. This allows you to continue to wait for care at one or more programs you prefer. When care becomes available at your preferred program, you will be offered a space at that program, even if you are enrolled in another program at the time. If you decide that you are satisfied with the offered space and are not interested in remaining on other waitlists, you should cancel any remaining active requests from the system. To do this, log on to, go to My Requests, and cancel each request.

Do I need to create an account to search for care?

No. You can search for and view information about programs without creating an account. However you will not be able to request care.

If my child is not born or yet to be adopted, what are my next steps?

When creating your account, enter the projected date of birth or adoption. After the birth or adoption, return to your household profile to update the actual date of birth and/or child’s name.

What can I do to get the care I need when I need it?

To get the care you need, begin your search and submit your requests as soon as possible. When searching for care, review the Anticipated Placement Time (APT) estimates and submit requests for care at programs with an APT that most closely meets your family's needs. Since APT estimates may change, review all your options and submit requests to both facility- and home-based programs. For example, there may be another child development center or in-home provider (Family Child Care/Child Development Home) with a shorter placement time. You are also encouraged to submit multiple requests for the same child on the same Request for Care (RFC) date. Use the map feature to determine if program locations are within your preferred geographic area.

What do families need to do to get started?

The registration process is easy and only takes four steps:

  • Step 1:  Create an account at  This will allow parents to take full advantage of the available benefits.
  • Step 2:  Search and request care.  Parents will find information on facility-based or in-home child care options and may select one (or more) options.  The program will contact requesters when space becomes available.
  • Step 3:  Manage requests from anywhere in the world – parents can change requests, change the date care is needed, and cancel requests that are no longer needed.
  • Step 4:  Update household information at any time – especially email and telephone numbers so that when an offer is made, parents can be reached quickly.

When should I begin looking for child care and/or registering my child for care?

The earlier the better! Finding a place you feel meets your needs and the needs of your child is of utmost importance to us. Infant spaces in our CDC and Child Development Home (CDH) care programs are at a premium. Top priority is given to Dual Active Duty and Single Parent Active Duty Families. We recommend you apply early on in your pregnancy or as soon as you have your orders to relocate to Navy Region Northwest.

Where is my child on the waitlist?

You can view the status of your requests for care on the My Requests page. provides you with an Anticipated Placement Time (APT) rather than a number on a list. For this reason, an estimated placement date (month and year) is provided instead of a number that does not correspond with any particular timeframe. APT takes into consideration your family type, the request for care date, and date care needed.

Why does the Anticipated Placement Time (APT) change?

APT is designed to provide real time information to help support your child care planning. APT estimates may be modified as a result of changes to the request (e.g., an update to the Date Care Needed or change in the family type) or circumstances at the program. The latest APT estimate is available at all times on the My Request page.

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