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Sexual Assault Prevention & Response

The main goal of the Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR) program is to provide immediate and quality services and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist victims of sexual assault and reduce the incidence of sexual assault committed by or against military service members, their families, and civilians.

24/7 SAPR Advocate Response Line: 360-914-7867 and 360-914-7855
DoD Safe Helpline: 877-995-5247
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) On-Call: 360-914-7834

Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Team

  • Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC): 360-257-8893
  • Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR) Victim Advocate: 360-257-3265 and 360-257-2528


Prevent and respond to sexual assault, eliminating it from our ranks through a balance of focused education, comprehensive response, compassionate advocacy, and just adjudication in order to promote professionalism, respect, and trust, while preserving Navy mission readiness.


Promote and foster a culturally aware and informed Navy respectful of all, intolerant of sexual assault, and supported by a synergistic program of prevention, advocacy, and accountability.

Safe Helpline

Safe Helpline offers free, 24/7, 1-on-1, confidential and anonymous sexual assault support.

Click -

Call - 877-995-5247

Text - Zip Code or Base Name to 55247 (inside the US)
Or 202-470-5546 (outside the US). Safe Helpline will text back with info for a SAPR Victim Advocate in your area. Safe Helpline services are administered by the DoD Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Office (SAPRO) and are operated by RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network). Your information will remain confidential. RAINN will not share your name or any other personally identifying information with SAPRO or your chain of command.

Download the free DoD Safe Helpline App

Safe Helpline provides live, confidential...

  • Crisis Intervention
  • Emotional Support
  • Referrals to both military & civilian resources in your area
  • Information on military reporting options

Upon your request, the Safe Helpline staff can transfer you to your local SAPR Victim Advocate or local community agency.

SAPR Advocacy Services

The SAPR program provides:

  • Private and Confidential Victim Advocacy and Support Services
  • Case Consultation and Coordination
  • Information on medical, investigative, mental health, and legal services
  • Court accompaniment

Have you become the victim of a sexual assault?

SAPR Victim Advocates work to empower adults who have been sexually assaulted and assist them in making the transition from victim to survivor. Advocates are committed to:

  • Providing answers and information
  • Accompanying victims through medical, investigative and legal procedures
  • Making referrals to both military and community assistance
  • Help victims sort through overwhelming feelings
  • Helping family members and friends understand the emotional effects of sexual assault

SAPR Victim Advocates, health care providers, Chaplains, and Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs) are available to provide information on the option of RESTRICTED REPORTING. You may forfeit your ability to make a confidential report by talking to someone other than those listed.

Safe Helpline Reporting Options

Victim's Legal Counsel

Victims’ Legal Counsel (VLC) are lawyers who work for victims of sexual assault to help them through the legal and administrative challenges that many victims face. The VLC is Free, Independent, Confidential and Experienced. They can help victims understand the military justice system and protect victims’ rights.

To reach the NAS Whidbey Island VLC, please call 360-264-3684.

Survivors Overcoming Assault with Resiliency (SOAR) Support Group

This is a 10-week, psycho-educational support group that aims to assist survivors of sexual abuse and violence. SOAR is an educational, rather than processing, group. It is trauma-informed, strength-based and provides a safe environment to begin the healing process. SOAR strives to enhance resilience through the teaching of skills, such as coping, communication, regaining trust, strengthening intimate relationships and personal empowerment. SOAR has been developed for women, 18 and older, and is held once a week for two hours. Please contact us for more information.

For more information regarding SOAR, please contact call 866-854-0638.

Command Support

The SAPR program is a command driven program. The SARC is your subject matter expert, a single point of contact at the installation who coordinates sexual assault awareness, prevention, and response training and tracks the services provided to a victim of sexual assault from the initial report through final disposition and resolution.

The installation SARC routinely facilitates the following training programs and can develop additional programs by request tailored to your command needs.


Executive Leadership

In accordance with SECNAVINST 1752.4B, each commanding officer will meet with the Installation SARC within 30 days of taking command for one-on-one SAPR training. The training shall include a trends brief for unit and area of responsibility and the confidentiality requirements in Restricted Reporting. To set up a one-on-one appointment with the SARC, please call 360-257-8893.

SAPR Data Collection Coordinator (DCC)

The DCC obtains data on sexual assault incidents to meet Navy message reporting requirements. This individual tracks SITREPs and ensures monthly continuation OPREP-3 NAVY UNIT SITREPs and NAVY BLUEs are submitted on all unrestricted reported cases of sexual assault until final disposition of case and Final SITREP submission. The DCC must complete a 2-hour CNIC standardized training with the SARC. To register, please contact the SAPR Team.

SAPR Point of Contact (POC)

The POC facilitates awareness and prevention training, maintains current information on victim resources, and provides oversight of command compliance with SAPR program requirements. The POC keeps command informed of updates to SAPR policy, requirements and procedures. The POC must complete a 4-hour CNIC standardized training with the SARC. To register, please contact the SAPR Team.

SAPR Command Liaison

The Command Liaison is the single point of communication between the victim and the Command Executive Team. This person must have direct access to the CO. The Command Liaison promotes responsive command management and keeps the victim informed of command actions in their case. This individual attends the monthly installation Sexual Assault Case Management Group and provides monthly case status updates to the victim. The Command Liaison must complete an 8-hour CNIC standardized training with the SARC. To register, please contact the SAPR Team.

Initial SAPR Victim Advocate Training

The unit victim advocate (UVA) is the foundation of victim services. Operational commands are required to have trained victim advocates when they deploy away from installation resources. VAs receive 40 hours of initial training and 16 hours of refresher training annually. VAs are part of the installation watch bill and are available 24/7 to respond immediately to victims of sexual assault, provide information and explain reporting options, accompany victims during medical, investigative, and legal procedures, ensure victims’ rights are not violated, and be available to assist victims for as long as the victim chooses to receive services. To register, please call a member of the SAPR Team.


General Military Training

Annual training shall occur once a year and is mandatory for all Service members regardless of rank or occupation or specialty. Sexual Assault Prevention & Response training requirement applies to all Service members and DoD civilian personnel. The SAPR training, at a minimum, shall incorporate adult learning theory, which includes interaction and group participation. The required subject matter for the training shall be appropriate to the Service member’s grade and commensurate with their level of responsibility. This training can be scheduled by contacting any member of the installation SAPR Team.

Pre-deployment Training

Facilitated by the Work & Family Life staff at the local Fleet & Family Support Center, this training will include specific information about responders, reporting, bystander intervention and risk reduction strategies for the deploying member, as well as, their dependents remaining on installation. To set up a pre-deployment training, please contact the Fleet & Family Support Center at 360-257-NAVY (6289).

Resident Advisor Training

In accordance with NAVADMIN 181/13, all Unaccompanied Housing Resident Advisors (RA) must attend specialized SAPR training. CNIC has developed a standardized RA training that includes their role in preventing and responding to sexual assaults. This training can be completed by contacting any member of the installation SAPR Team.

SAPR Unit Victim Advocate Refresher Training

Every DoD Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program (D-SAACP) Victim Advocate must complete 16 hours of refresher training annually. To register, please call a member of the SAPR Team.


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