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Housing FAQs

Are we required to live in family or Public Private Venture (PPV) housing?

Whether you choose Family/PPV Housing, Rental Partnership Program Housing or community housing, you are required by instruction to check in through the Housing Services Center prior to signing any lease. But you get to choose where you want to live.

How do I apply for housing?

Please refer to "Applying for Housing", click on the link to "HEAT" within this website or stop by your local Housing Services Center.

How do I arrange to have my household goods moved?

Please refer to for telephone numbers for your local Personal Property Office and to get you started with your move. These websites also provide helpful information about preparing for your move and much more.

How do we get reassigned to a larger unit?

You may qualify for a larger unit if there is a new addition to the family. Contact your Housing Services Center to learn if you qualify for a larger unit and how to go about applying. Your name will be placed on the appropriate waiting list.

How long must we remain in PPV housing after signing a lease?

Leases are signed for a minimum of 6 months. After that, you rent on a month-to-month basis until you decide to vacate the home or receive orders. You will be required to give proper notice to move out of housing. There are some exceptions to these general rules, an example would be if you rented as part of the waterfall. Check with your local Housing Services Center if you have questions.

How many bedrooms am I qualified for?

The number of bedrooms for military members in paygrades E1 - E6 is based on family size (one child per bedroom, depending on the number of children). (NASWI E6's are authorized a minimum 3-bedroom entitlement).

Senior enlisted personnel (E7 - E9), Chief Warrant Officers (W1 - W5) and Company Grade Officers (O1/O1E - O3/O3E) with prior enlisted service are eligible for a minimum of three bedrooms.

Field Grade Officers (O4/O5) are eligible for a minimum of three bedrooms, where such homes are available.

Senior Officers (O6 and above) are eligible for a minimum of four bedrooms, where such homes are available.

I live in PPV housing now. May I go on a waiting list to move to another area?

If you complete your minimum lease period, you may move out into the community. In some circumstances you can negotiate a move to another area through your PPV Property Management Office.

I understand housing in the Northwest is privatized. What does that mean for me?

When residing in PPV (Public/Private Venture) housing, your Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) will be included in your paycheck. Your rent will be paid to the PPV management company preferably by allotment. Rent for PPV includes some utilities. Typically phone, cable, and internet utilities are the resident's responsibility and are not included in rent. The Navy is initiating a new Resident Energy Conservation Program (RECP) for PPV. Click on the RECP link here to find out more information and to see how it will affect your rent and utility bills.

May I have pets in housing?

The maximum number of pets is usually limited to 2. Pets refer to domestic dogs and cats that are allowed in most housing areas. The exceptions are typically located in communities with multiplex (apartments and townhouses) where construction cannot accommodate dogs or large pets. Exotic animals are rarely considered pets. Additionally some local communities have breed restrictions. Be sure to check with your Housing Services Center for information about pets in a particular community. Also, when filling out your Application for Housing, please annotate the number and types of pets you have in the remarks section.

What appliances are provided in housing?

Each home is furnished with range, refrigerator, dishwasher, and garbage disposal. Washer and dryer hookups are provided, but the appliances are not.

What does Privatization mean for me?

The privatization of Military Family Housing brings many questions to mind. What is it, why did it happen in the Northwest, how are things different, how are things the same, who will my neighbors be? Read on and learn answers to these and many other Public/Private Venture (PPV) questions.

On Feb. 1, 2005, Navy Family Housing in the Northwest, with the exception of The Landings (formerly Jackson Park), became privatized. The company formed with the Navy and our partner is Hunt Military Communities. Visit their website at to learn more about this housing community.

Privatization isn't just a Northwest venture. It is a creative and effective solution mandated by congress for all Department of Defense (DoD) housing in the United States. It has been phased in throughout the United States. The partnerships that are formed enable a quicker solution for renovating and replacing aging Military Family Housing.

Most people will see little change in their lives with the privatization of housing. With PPV, you sign a lease for a minimum of six months, just as you agreed in writing to remain in Navy housing for at least six months. Now you pay rent in the exact amount of your Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH), so you are paying the same amount for the same home and amenities that you were when your BAH was withheld. The only difference is that your BAH now goes into your paycheck, and rent is paid by allotment to the PPV partner.

Priority for housing will always be "service members first." If there is not enough demand for housing from military members that would cause the occupancy rate to fall below a certain level, then the PPV partner may rent to others following a particular priority list. The priority would be (1) unaccompanied service members, (2) federal civil service employees, (3) retired military, (4) National Guard and military reservists, (5) retired federal civil service employees, (6) DoD contractors and other permanent employees, and (7) the general public.

If neighborhood or landlord/tenant issues should arise that cannot be settled between the people involved, remember that the HOUSING SERVICES CENTER REMAINS OPEN to provide assistance to PPV residents as well as renters in the civilian community.


What is proper notice to move out of housing?

The PPV notification to move out of housing adheres to the Washington State Landlord Tenant statutes. In simple terms:

  1. You must complete your lease. Exception would be provided under the military clause portion of the Landlord Tenant law.
  2. The PPV partner prefers a 30-day written notification to move out of housing. However, the minimum per Washington State Landlord Tenant law requires a written a notification is provided to the Landlord prior to the 10th of the month with move out at the end of the month.
  3. If circumstances are different than what is stated here, check with your local property manager or your Housing Services Center.

What is the waiting time for housing?

Waiting times vary by the location and size of units for which you qualify. You may contact your local Housing Services Center for waiting times.

When preparing to move out of housing, what cleaning needs to be done?

Cleaning requirements differ depending on the landlord and what type of housing you live in. Cleaning requirements may also differ depending on the circumstances of your move. Failure to clean can be charged to you at move out, so it is important to find out what is expected and what it will cost if cleaning requirements are not met.

If you live in PPV Housing, check with the PPV partner for cleaning requirements or refer to the resident handbooks which can to be found on at If you live in The Landings (formerly Jackson Park), you can find cleaning requirements in the resident handbook on under "Housing Forms and Documents" or you can call your local Housing Services Center. If you live in community housing, check your lease or contact your landlord/property manager.

Will I pay utilities in housing? If so, which ones?

Gas, water and sewage are included in your rent in the majority of PPV housing. The Resident Energy Conservation Program (RECP) which is being implemented Navy-wide will shift the responsibility of conserving electricity to the residents. Visit our RECP page on this website to find out how this will affect you.


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