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Alternative Child Care

Child & Youth Programs offers many options to support the military community's child care needs. To address the needs of families when Navy child care is not available, partnerships with community organizations have been formed to expand the availability of child care. Child Care Aware and the Navy have several programs for eligible customers.

Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood (MCCYN)

Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood MCCYN

MCCYN is a fee assistance program that keeps affordable childcare in reach for US. Military and U.S. Coast Guard families. It’s intended for families who cannot access installation-based care due to distance or waitlists. With fee assistance, a portion of the child care cost is paid to reduce and offset the costs of what families would pay for on-installation child care and what they would pay for care in their communities. This makes it easier for families to afford quality care from local community providers.

Ages: Birth – 12 yrs

MCCYN is available to Navy active duty members, Navy Reservists on active duty, and Navy civilians who:

  • Are stationed at an installation that has been pre-identified as fee assistance eligible; OR,
  • Do not live near a DoD installation with a Child and Youth program.

If the sponsor is married, his or her spouse must be employed, actively seeking employment, or a full-time student.

How to Get Started? It’s Easy!

Create an Account
If you don’t already have an account, go to to create one. Once you create an account, set up a Household Profile so you can conduct a search for care at any time from any location.

Search for and Request Care allows you to search the full range of military child care options. Search for care, and if it’s available, submit a request for MCCYN for each of your children.

Wait for an Offer will send you an offer for care if space becomes available. Keep your email address up-to-date in your Household Profile so you do not miss these important messages.

Complete Registration and Upload Required Documents
If you receive an offer for MCCYN, you will receive a notification from with instructions on how to accept the offer, complete your registration, and upload eligibility documents through your My MCCYN page.

Visit My MCCYN to Determine Status and Communicate Changes
Visit your My MCCYN page to check your eligibility status and select your provider. Use the Message Center to communicate changes to your family or selected provider.

Visit to start today!

Operation Military Child Care (OMCC)

Operation Military Child Care (OMCC)

The OMCC program provides fee assistance for Families of Sailors who are deployed or attached to a ship.

Ages: Birth - 12 yrs

For families of members with orders in support of one of the following deployments:

  • Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
  • Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)
  • Global War on Terror (GWOT)
  • Oversees Contingency Operations
  • Operation Noble Eagle

For married Members, the spouse must be working, looking for work or attending school. The same policies will apply to unmarried legal parents living in the same household.

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Program for Severely Injured Service Member Families

Program for Severely Injured Service Member Families

Ages: Birth - 12 yrs

For Families of Active Duty Members who have been injured and are receiving in-patient or out-patient care for extended periods of time.

Eligibility for services is based on need and is determined on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us at 1-800-424-2246 for a sensitive, personal consultation.

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Respite Care

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Respite Care

Ages: Birth - 18 yrs

This program is a partnership between the U.S. Navy and Child Care Aware and is specifically designed for Navy families who have children identified as Exceptional Family Members (EFM), category IV or V. This includes exceptional family members whose medical condition requires assignment near major medical facilities in the continental United States, or whose needs are complex and specialized requiring continuity of care.

EFMP Respite Care will help Navy families with children with special needs by providing 40 hours of respite care per month so they can leave the house, go to an appointment, or just rest, while knowing that their child is well cared for.

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